Tell Louisiana’s Legislators:

Move from test preparation to life preparation. Make the EXCELL Appeals Process a law this spring.

In 2023, Louisiana was the ONLY state to deny high school seniors their diploma due to a single test score on a standardized test.

With the EXCELL Appeals Process, we have the opportunity to change the lives of these students. But we need YOU to tell the Louisiana Legislature your story.

Only nine states, including Louisiana, require standardized tests for graduation. Of those nine, Louisiana is the ONLY state that does not have an appeals process.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Louisiana is one of nine states that have a high school exit exam and the ONLY state without an appeals process of the score requirement.

    Each year in Louisiana, 1500 high school seniors are denied graduation because of the LEAP exam - even after earning all required credits for a diploma!

    Making the high school diploma contingent on a single score has a disproportionate impact on students with disabilities, English Language Learners, and students with other conditions that inhibit test day performance.

    Currently, who don’t pass the LEAP would otherwise are forced to drop out of high school.

    The EXCELL Appeals Process allows those students to demonstrate their knowledge, earn workforce credits, and graduate with a diploma ready to enter the workforce.

  • Students must pass one exam in each content pair to meet standard graduation requirements:

    English I or English II

    Algebra I or Geometry

    Biology or US History

    If a student hasn’t met this requirement, they may pursue the appeals process.

    Click here to learn about the requirements to appeal.

  • Absolutely not.

    The EXCELL Appeals Process does not weaken the distinction of a high school diploma in Louisiana.

    1) Students who earn their high school diploma through private school, home study, or the April Dunn Act (students with disabilities), do NOT have to “pass the LEAP.” Their value of their diplomas are equal to those of public school peers who must meet the LEAP requirement for graduation.

    2) Per standard assessment requirements, students must only “pass the LEAP” in one subject per content pair. However, the EXCELL Appeals Process requires a portfolio of work for both subjects in a content pair, a more rigorous expectation for students who graduate through appeal.

    3) The EXCELL Appeals Process requires that students who graduate through appeal objectively demonstrate evidence of employability. Students may do this through earning a graduation-qualifying Industry Based Credential, TOPS Tech Eligibility, or a Silver-Level National Career Readiness Certificate (ACT WorkKeys). These assurances for workforce readiness are unique to students graduating through appeal.

  • The EXCELL Appeals Process requires evidence of employability by requiring students to earn a Silver on WorkKeys (the National Career Readiness Certificate), or TOPS Tech eligibility, or a Jumpstart-approved Industry Based Credential. These are objective measures of workforce readiness.

    The LEAP exam does not measure (and is not indicative of) workforce readiness. However, the appeals process ensures that students are ready to contribute to the workforce and local economy.

  • Usually by the end of 10th grade, it is evident that a student may need to appeal the LEAP requirement for graduation.

    If you think your student needs to appeal, request to meet with your student’s academic counselor and SBLC (school building level committee) team.

    As the parent, you have equal decision making power in a student’s IGP (Individual Graduation Plan) to ensure that your child is enrolled in courses that will prepare them to meet appeal requirements.

This is a movement, and we need YOUR help! Louisiana’s youth deserve the opportunity to demonstrate their value to the community and earn a high school diploma - an option that every other student across the country already has.

Tell Louisiana Legislators: Move Our Schools from TEST Preparation to LIFE Preparation. Sign our petition!

Ready to take the next step?

“Having only been here for five years, I'm still growing my English speaking skills and my English comprehension skills. I am excited to graduate through this EXCELL process because I will have more opportunities in my future once I get my high school diploma.”

— Lissy